Concrete Restoration Digital Inspection Tool

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Saving Time with ConInspect Is Easy

Create projects and assign users, setup inspections, review all project and inspection data using ConInspect web app. Use the ConInspect mobile app to conduct inspections and sync all inspection data to the ConInspect web app with just one click. Access all project data, on any device, anywhere.

How It Works

Our software is developed according to Concrete Restoration inspections’ workflow and standards. ConInspect web app is the hub for setting up projects and inspection parameters, data review, data edit and generating reports. ConInspect mobile app is a digital inspection tool for fast and easy data collection on the field. Web and mobile app are synchronized .

Inspection Tool

iPhone or iPad as only inspection tool you will need on field

All data on cloud

Access and edit all project, client and inspection data on any device, in the office or on field

One-click reports

Generate inspection reports and cost estimates with only one click

First professional inspection tool for concrete restoration




Issues Tracking

Through inspections and reinspections


Data Collection

Comments, amounts, markings


Photo Collection

Take as many pohots as needed fot better documenattion of issue


Field Notes

Mark issues directly on the field notes



Project Management

Create projects, assign users and clients


Inspection Review

Review inspections and leave feedback


Data Entry

Upload data manually and edit inspections



Generate reports with just one click

what we offer

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Custom Workflow

Custom designed workflow by the Concrete Restoration inspection standards

Fantastic Support

Our support team will instruct you and help you set up the environment by your company’s needs.

Time is Money

Save more time for field work with automated reporting after inspection…

Client Area

Easier communication with clients. Clients can review inspections, reports and leave feedback…